Yoga for Beginners: Poses and Tips to Get Started


It’s easy to rid your skin off toxins. All you need to do is dry brush and scrub, but what should one do to get rid of the toxins present inside the body?

The answer to that is, yoga. Stretching and contracting muscles improves blood circulation and eliminates toxins from the body. Also, given our sedentary lifestyles, nature of work and the posture we maintain on a daily basis, our joints and muscles get stiff. Yoga can be beneficial here too – by lubricating the joints, correcting posture and in turn, relaxing the body.

Getting started with yoga is easy. There are basic standing, sitting and reclining poses that anyone can do with minimal effort. But before beginning the asanas, it’s essential to keep a few things in mind:

  • Get your breathing technique right. It’s simple – inhale while stretching, and exhale while contracting.
  • The best time to practice yoga is in the morning or at sunset.
  • Yoga is practiced on an empty stomach. Ensure to maintain a four hours gap between meals and Yoga.
  • Wait at least 30 minutes after a session to have a meal or take a shower, as it’s essential for your body to cool down.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing made with breathable fabrics.

Yoga for Beginners: six asanas to get you started



The Tree Pose improves your balance, concentration, and strengthens your legs.

  • Stand on your left leg and fold your right leg at the knee.
  • Place the sole of your right foot on the inner thigh of your left leg.
  • Place your arms over your head and join your palms.
  • Gaze at a point in front of you or on the floor about 6-8 feet away. Breathe normally and hold for about 30-60 seconds.
  • Switch legs and repeat.



The Triangle Pose is a great way to tone your tummy and thighs, strengthen your legs, knees, arms and chest and eliminate flab from your sides.

  • Take the widest comfortable stance of the legs.
  • Point your right toe out at 90 degrees and left toe at 30 degrees.
  • Inhale deeply and while exhaling, bend sideways to your right.
  • Extend your right hand towards your shin or the floor while stretching your left arm out towards the ceiling, while taking long, deep breaths.
  • Inhale, while coming up to the normal position.
  • Repeat on the left side.



This balancing posture increases alertness, and hence is named after an eagle. It helps improve vision, and decreases tiredness in the body. However, know that it’s an intense stretch for the shoulders.

  • Stand straight. Bend your knees and lift your left foot up to cross it over the right foot, left toe pointing downwards.
  • Bring your arms forwards, parallel to the floor.
  • Cross your right arm over your left.
  • Bend your elbows to bring your arms perpendicular to the floor. The back of your hands should be touching.
  • Turn your hands so that the palms face each other.
  • Press your palms together and stretch your fingers upwards. Focus your gaze at one place and stay in this position for a couple of breaths.



The Chair Pose strengthens your buttocks, back and thighs.

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart.
  • Stretch your arms straight to the front, palms facing downwards.
  • Bend your knees and sit down in an imaginary chair.
  • Slowly, continue to sink and sit cross-legged in sukhasana (easy seated pose) or even lie down and relax.



This asana brings relief from gastric issues, is great for digestion and massages your back to an extent.

  • Lie on your back and exhale.
  • While inhaling, slowly raise your legs to a 90-degree angle.
  • Bend your knees, keeping them together with your ankles, and rest your thighs against your abdomen.
  • Wrap your arms around both knees and clasp each elbow with the opposite hand.
  • Bend your neck and place your chin on the knees. Breathe normally and maintain for a few breaths.


BhujangasanaThe Cobra Pose is great for your upper body – arms, neck and back.

  • Lie on your stomach, toes flat, legs close together with heels lightly touching each other and forehead resting on the ground.
  • Palms downwards, place your hands under your shoulders, elbows parallel and close to the torso. 
  • Inhale deeply and slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen.
  • Pull your torso off the floor.
  • Straighten your arms and arching your back as much you can, tilt your head back and look up.
  • Exhale and return to normal position.

While it’s safe to do most stretching and standing poses on your own, it’s advisable to consult a coach if you want to get the posture and breathing right. An expert can also help recommend the right combination of asanas and counter asanas (resting postures). People who have cervical or back issues should definitely consult with a yoga professional before embarking on an exercise plan.

Are you looking for professional advice on how to practice yoga at home? Our experts can guide you

Credit – HealthifyMe


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